My girly treasures... with my little fringed bag
29 October 2008
28 October 2008
When flowers become fringes

I recently purchased this amazing book: Bloom: Ron Van Dongen , and it has been such a pleasure for the eyes! He is a very talented photograph and those beautiful photos inspired me for this bag. The shapes and textures of the petals became a multitude of little fringes...
24 October 2008
More colors, more pictures!
20 October 2008
My new vintage style bag (2) and piping tutorial

It can be worn as a shoulder bag or as a pochette for a trendy cocktail!
I am happy: I got good reactions from My new vintage style bag so I decided to design another version of it. This time, no metallic frame to make it more simple but instead a cute little flap. The fabric I used is silk, so that it can be a cool evening bag! I also used a contrasting peacock green (mmm I love this colour...) for the lining. And last but not least, my favourite detail: piping!!!
Once again, it was too difficult finding interesting varieties (I think I give up for now...), so I decided to make my own with the same fabric as the lining. I had the instructions of this sewing bible on how to make tubing and after a few modifications, I came up with my own piping tutorial. It is great fun to make!
I mean the piping tape, because the tutorial was a bit of a disaster!!!! I am really not an internet (or a computer) geek; I thought that to do a tutorial on a pdf file, I could do it first on Illustrator and then convert it on pdf. But of course, after having spent a few hours making a nice presentation, my Illustrator application decided to bug and refused saving my document. So, as naive as I am, I copied everything on a Word document, thinking/hoping that I could just paste it on my blog... But no no no, it would work with the text but not with the photos! At the end, I had to download my photos one by one and re-organise them directly on the blog...
pfffiou, what an adventure!!! So,no French version for the moment for my French friends I am afraid ! I will try to make one very soon.
Anyway, after all those emotions, here is my tutorial, tataaam:
How to make your own piping tape:
1. Cut bias strips in your chosen fabric. To find the true bias, fold fabric at a 45 degree angle to selvage.
2. I find it easier to trace a pattern, it avoids me to struggle with the fabric later:) You know how silky fabrics and lining have a mean tendency to slip in your hands when you’re trying to cut into them!!! In any case, measure the diameter of you piping cord (any cord you like, can be found in any haberdashery). Then, add 1 cm on each side for the seam allowance.
It will make your life much more simple for when you sew!
3. Pin pattern on fabric and cut as much as you need. Because bias stretches; cut your cord twice as long. If you don’t have enough fabric, cut two stripes and sew them together as in the photos. If you iron well and seams open, it won’t show once it is around the cord.
4. Place the bias strip around cord, wrong sides together (right side facing up). Pin the fabric to have it lay flat and nice…
5. Now for the fun bit, if you have a zipper foot, which I strongly recommend!(I tried with a normal foot and it is really a nightmare).The best is to get a double-sided zipper foot, so that you can use it either way! (if you live in the UK, check out this website). So, using a super zipper foot, stitch down the bias, as close as possible to cord.
Et voila, you get your nice personalised piping tape!!!
6. Now for the sewing: it’s going to be so easy... Just pin piping tape on your sewing project, matching seam allowances and, again using zipper foot, stitch along cord.
Finally, add second layer on top (your piping will be then “sandwiched” in between, and follow the previous sewing lines.
16 October 2008
The Lilou scarf
Some time ago I made a foulard (scarf) for my sister, who really liked it (huhu:)), so I decided to remake some more! It consists of layers of satin, voile, and soft silk. I also made a version with velvet, and one with chiffon... It's pretty with the chiffon but the problem is that it is a very fragile material.
En français:
Il y a quelque temps, j'ai fabrique un foulard pour ma soeur, qui l'avait beaucoup aime d'ailleurs (hi hi:)). Du coup, j'ai décidé d'en refaire plus! Chaque foulard est fait de couches de satin, voile et soie peau de pêche. J'ai aussi fait une version avec du velours, et une avec de la mousseline de soie... C'est joli avec la mousseline, mais le problème est que c'est très fragile.
13 October 2008
I had always wanted to go to Barcelona, so when M. proposed me to go there last weekend I didn't hesitate a second. I wasn't disappointed... It is full of beautiful patterns and colors, from the pavements to the walls! The weather was great, warm and sunny, perfect to enjoy this city.

So here are some visual souvenirs from Barcelona...

En Français
J'ai toujours eu très envie d'aller à Barcelone, alors quand M. m'a proposé d'y passe le week-end, je n'ai pas hésité une seconde. Je n'ai pas été déçue… La ville est pleine de belles couleurs et de motifs intéressants, que ce soit sur les dalles de trottoirs ou parcourant les murs! Il a fait très beau, chaud et avec du soleil, c’était parfait pour bien en profiter. Alors du coup, voila quelques souvenirs visuels…
5 October 2008
Another little bag...

The lining is again a two-tone fabric. I've added some piping as an interesting feature. I couldn't find nice colors in the shops so I painted it myself!
On top of the zipped pocket, I've added three more small on the other side, plus a bigger one at the back of the bag. The bag closes with a magnetic fastening. I found a great tutorial here explaining how to do.
En Francais:
J'ai utilise un joli tissu jacquard que j'avais trouve l'annee derniere et que j'avai achete
(pensant que je l'utiliserais bien un jour!). La doublure est encore en tissu a reflets. J'ai aussi rajoute une cordelette comme detail. Comme je n'en ai pas trouve avec de jolies couleurs dans les magasins, je l'ai peinte moi-meme!
En plus de la poche avec zip, j'ai rajoute trois autres petites poches de l'autre cote, plus une grand au dos du sac. Le sac se ferme avec un bouton magnetique. J'ai trouve un super tuto ici qui expliquait comment faire.
My new vintage style bag

I also put a nice little pocket with a zip, big enough to put a few things like a mobile phone and a lipstick for example... Knowing myself, I will quickly put too much in it! Also, it is possible to wear it across the shoulder with the chain handle, or as clutch with the chain simply tucked inside the bag.
En Francais:
Ca y est, l'etape production a commence! J'avais en tete de liste une adaptation d'un super sac vintage que j'avais rapporte de New York il y a quelques annees. J'en ai fait ma version, avec un joli tissu en soie, violet et noir, un tissu qui est generalement utilise pour l confection de cravates. Pour la doublure, un tissu a reflet. J'aime beaucoup quand le tissu brille et montre des reflets differents selon son mouvement! J'ai aussi mis une mignonne petite poche a l'interieur du sac, assez grande pour pouvoir y glisser un portable et un rouge a levre par exemple... Cela dit, me connaissant, je vais en mettre trop vite fait!
Ah, aussi pratique car il peut se porter en bandouliere avec la chaine, ou en pochette du soir avec la chaine rentree a l'interieur du sac, tout simplement.
1 October 2008
My colour and fabric ranges for this winter
Today has been a good day as I went early to several fabric markets and brought back some gorgeous textiles that I will use to make bags... I just love looking at colours and textures and playing around with them, organizing them in beautiful ranges, don't you?
Aujourd'hui a ete un jour fructueux, car je suis allee tot dans plusieurs magasins de tissus.
26 September 2008
Some more textiles
9 September 2008
7 September 2008
Despite a very busy week_LFW ( as in London Fashion Week) starts next weekend_ and family visiting; I still managed to find time to make that:

I am happy, as it is the first purse I ever make!... I will make a few more with different colour and fabric combinations.
I got the purse frame from this great website u-handbag and followed this tutorial to attach the purse to the frame.
En Français:
Malgré une semaine très remplie_ London Fashion Week commence le week-end prochain_ et des visites de famille, j’ai quand même trouvé le temps de faire ça.
Je suis contente car c’est le premier porte-monnaie que je fabrique!...Je vais en faire quelques autres avec différentes combinaisons de couleurs et de tissus.
J'ai achete la fermeture metallique sur ce super site u-handbag, et j'ai suivi ce tutorial pour attacher le porte-monnaie a la fermeture metallique.
31 August 2008
A starry calendar...Un calendrier etoile...
I was reading some of my favorite blogs when I came across Mariama’s blog and this article caught my eye...

It is such a nice idea to make an advent calendar in fabric, and with stars! Very cute and poetic!
I remember that when we were children, my sister and I used to be so happy and excited when it was time to make the new advent calendar…We would spend days and days preparing it, cutting paper and cardboard, selecting pencils and paintings, adding glitters here and there, drawing all the nice things associated to Christmas. It was a real pleasure that we were happy to continue with the realization of Christmas garland!
En français:
J’étais en train de lire mes blogs favoris quand je suis tombée sur le blog de Mariama et cet article a attiré mon attention...
C’est tellement une bonne idée de faire un calendrier de l’avent en tissu, et avec de jolies étoiles en plus! très mignon et poétique je trouve!
Je me souviens que quand on était petite, ma soeur et moi étions trop contentes et excitées quand le temps était venu de fabriquer le nouveau calendrier… On passait nos journées à le préparer, à couper du papier et du carton, à choisir les bonnes couleurs de crayons et peinture, à rajouter des paillettes ici et là, et aussi dessiner toutes ces jolies décorations associées à Noël. C’était un vrai bonheur que l’on poursuivait ensuite avec la réalisation de guirlandes de Noël!
29 August 2008
Painted textiles nostalgia!

And I found those textile samples. I was working on a reinterpretation of punk wardrobe and colour staples.I remember that I used to enjoy printing, dyeing and painting on fabric. I usually had my whole room invaded with inks, paints and brushes...
It is time to do my little “cuisine” again with pigments and textiles. These past few weeks, I have been thinking about a project I will write about in the next post.
22 August 2008
Inspiring paintings
I wasn't a huge fan of artist Gerhard Richter until I discovered those paintings in the bookshop of the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.
I find them absolutely amazing so I bought the whole bunch of postcards!
They give me lots of idea for prints, weaving and embroideries...
The picture below is by artist Matti Braun, which I also discovered at the Museum Ludwig.
When I said I was obsessed with old walls!!!
Yok, 2008
French version:
Je n'ai jamais ete une grande fan du travail de Gerhard Richter jusqu'au jour ou j'ai decouvert ces tableaux a la librairie du Musee Ludwig a Cologne.
Je les ai trouves tellement beaux que j'ai achete tout le lot de cartes postales!
Ces peintures me donnent plein d'idees de motifs, de tissage, broderies et autres manipualtions textiles...
La derniere photo est une oeuvre de l'artiste Matti Braun, que j'ai aussi decouvert au Musee Ludwig . Quand je disais que les vieux murs m'inspiraient!!!
19 August 2008
A rainy day in Little Venice

Another rainy day in London... I decided to walk around the neighbourhood, with my camera this time!
I have a fascination for walls : I always end up taking them in picture!
Encore un jour de pluie Londonien... J'ai decide de me balader dans le quartier, avec mon appareil photo cette fois!
Je dois etre fascine par les murs, je les prend toujours en photo!
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