27 March 2009

New name

I have decided to change my blog's name. To be honest, it was a long time that I wanted to do so... I've realised that "Citrouille Melba" was too difficult for non-French speaking to understand and to spell!!!
I chose Bagatelles because it makes me think about the beautiful Jardins de Bagatelles in the Bois de Boulogne, near Paris; but in french, it also means a "trifle", a decorative thing, a bit as in frivolous. It always reminds me of French paintings of the 18th century, such as Fragonard's and Watteau's...
It is also a musical term to designate a "short piece of music, typically for the piano, and usually of a light, mellow character. The name bagatelle literally means a "trifle", as a reference to the innocent character of the piece" ( in Wikipedia). A very famous example is Letter to Elise by Beethoven.
I think that bagatelles makes sense in the context of fashion accessories, isn't it?...:))
And as a bonus, a new background for my header title!

J’ai décidé de changer le nom de mon blog. J’ai réalisé qu’en fait, « Citrouille Melba » était trop compliqué pour les non-francophones, oups !  Du coup, j’ai choisi Bagatelles&co, un peu en hommage au beau Jardin de Bagatelles, dans le Bois de Boulogne.  J’aime le son de ce mot, et il m’évoque les tableaux de Fragonard et de Watteau… Saviez-vous qu’en musique classique, “une bagatelle est une courte composition sans prétention, dans un style badin et léger, destinée le plus souvent au clavier” (source wikipedia). Une des plus connues  est la “Lettre a Elise” de Beethoven.
Je trouve que Bagatelles s'adapte bien dans le contexte d'accessoires de mode, non?...:))
Et en prime, un nouveau design pour mon titre!

23 March 2009

Oh Dear! Oh Dear! I shall be too late!

Even though I haven't been here very often, I have been working a lot on my project.
After a phase of discouragement, I realised that I should still believe in my project and here I am again! I have to say, it is not always easy to work on one's own; sometimes, motivation just isn't there... It is not always easy to find the right balance between trying to design and make my own range with working for others. And the fear is there too: what if doesn't work?
But taratata as the French say ("nonsense"), and if I really enjoy what I do, it should work in a way or another!
So, I decided to go ahead and to open an  Etsy shop. Yes sir!  It is a very nice sort of "web boutique platform"; a place where artists, crafters, designers, photographers, can sell their work. The one condition is that products must be handmade. As they say themselves, "Etsy shoppers are looking for handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies."

I have fixed the launch date to beginning of May ( just on time for summer, eh:))
It should let me just enough time to make a decent amount of things to put in my shop and properly done too, with cute labels, nice packaging, etc...
I have already started preparing myself for that, but it takes quite a while to get everything ready... So still quite a lot to do for I shall not be too late!!

Of course, I will regularly report on how I get on...

Non non, je n'ai pas disparu!! J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à travailler sur mon projet d'accessoires ces temps-ci...
Même si je me suis parfois sentie découragée, j'ai décidé d'aller de l'avant... Et donc, je vais ouvrir une boutique sur Etsy. C'est une sorte de boutique en ligne qui agit en tant que plateforme pour artisans et artistes de tout genre. Tout le monde peut y vendre des choses du moment que ce soit du fait main. Si tout va bien, tout sera prêt début mai. En attendant, au boulot!!!
Bien entendu, j'écrirais régulièrement sur mes progrès...
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